The rocks cry out

We love hearing the creative ways that people are sharing the Good News of Jesus with those around them.

We recently heard from three different people, including a teenager and a retiree who had independently started making Hope Rocks – creatively decorated rocks that carry a message of hope.


Mary had observed how people were discouraged by what was going on in the world – specifically with the lockdowns. This inspired her to start group craft activities with some of the ladies in her life. Carrying the heart of her church and a lifelong passion for creative things in nature, she saw the possibility of bringing together evangelism and craft. Thus, the idea to create hope rocks.

Meanwhile fifteen-year-old Bridget was visiting a popular local lookout with some friends when they thought it would be fun to leave a non-destructive but lasting message to encourage others. This sparked an idea to paint rocks which became an exciting project for the girls to be part of.

One lady discovered a Hope rock with Jesus’ name on it while out walking prompting her to call a Christian friend who was able to share the Gospel of Jesus with her.

Bridget and her friend Kim decorating rocks to share their hope in Jesus with others.

For both women, the purpose behind the initiative is that it would cause people to stop, to look and to reflect.

One lady discovered a Hope rock with Jesus’ name on it while out walking prompting her to call a Christian friend who was able to share the Gospel of Jesus with her.

Another rock was found by a young boy who was determined to keep it. Although initially attracted by the decorated rock we pray that the message of hope will impact his life in the future.

Mary and Bridget are excited to see what testimonies are to come from those who come across these rocks but acknowledge they may never fully know what effect that their faith, prayer and obedience has had.


Hope rocks are a fun project for Christians of all ages to share together. 

Collect some small rocks. Smooth surfaces are ideal.

Gather materials to decorate them and perhaps gather a group of people to work on them together.

Decorate the rocks. Think about messages that will encourage others and point to Jesus.

Pray about where to place them. 

Place them, making sure not to cause damage or potential hazards.

Then continue to pray for the people who have and are yet to discover the message of hope through your hope rock.